Protect Your Skin: Mineral or Chemical Sunscreen?


Creative Direction Identity Packaging Design




Distill complex scientific information into easily digestible visuals and text, ensuring clarity without oversimplification. Balancing accuracy with accessibility is key, as the aim is to empower users with knowledge while guiding them towards informed decisions about sun protection. Incorporating compelling visuals and concise explanations will be essential to capture attention and facilitate understanding.


Best Infographic Award — CREATE 2024

Final full-colour layout.


A thorough research phase laid the foundation for this project. This involved delving into the scientific literature to understand the nuances between chemical and mineral sunscreens, as well as their respective benefits and drawbacks. Once armed with this knowledge, the next step involved extracting the most important information into charts, graphs, and illustrations, prioritizing clarity and simplicity to convey complex concepts.

The focus then shifted towards conducting black and white digital explorations, sketching out initial concepts to explore visual representations. This phase allowed for experimentation with layout, typography, and iconography, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing design direction.

Black and white digital experimentation.


Through research and creative exploration, this infographic serves as a tool for understanding the nuances between chemical and mineral sunscreens. West Coast visuals and concise information were seamlessly integrated into an engaging layout, making complex concepts easily accessible to viewers. Bold charts, captivating graphs, and illustrative elements work in harmony to convey the comparative benefits and drawbacks of each type of sunscreen.

— The final product not only educates but also captivates, empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their sun protection.